The Very Inspiring Blogger Award (Eeeeep!)

So…woo-hoo! Today, I was positively giddy to see that the super awesome Rachael at nominated me for The Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Thank you Rachael! I was so excited that it took me to the end of a caramel apple lollypop (the best damn things you will ever taste, believe me) to calm myself back down. I’ve never been nominated for a blogger award before, and today I’ve been nominated for two (a different post to come later) so I’m extremely happy. The rules for participation are below, along with my facts!


Here are the rules for this blogger award:

1. Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you.

2. List the rules and display the award.

3. Share seven facts about yourself.

4. Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.

5. Optional: Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.


Seven Facts About Me:

1. Alongside reading and writing, traveling is my absolute favorite thing to do. I’ve been to Paris, Seoul, London, Dublin, and a bunch of places in the United States, and I’m hoping that one day I’ll be mega rich so that I can afford to travel to a bunch of other places. And this summer, I’m actually moving out to London for a year (to attend college).

2. I have one awesome-tacular pet. She’s a rat terrier named Belle, and although she’s terribly camera-shy (wait, no, that’s not the right phrase…it’s more like camera angry) I’ll share a rare photo of her with you guys.



3. I have a list of over thirty-one jobs that I would love to have that I’ve been expanding on since I was about ten. This list includes author, actor, journalist, chef, CEO, and mermaid.

4. My favorite scent is that of rain. Some people say rain is not a scent. Those people are wrong.

5. I’ve wanted to try a fried Twinkie for the past five years, but every time I see them at a fair, I either chicken out or the stall is sold out. I don’t know why. I really don’t.

6. I love writing as much as I love reading. Right now, I’m working on a YA fantasy set in the late 1700s in the Kingdom of Lyvelle. I’m about two hundred pages in, and it’s my goal to done by the end of summer!

7. If I go more than  a few days without music, I begin to get that oh nooooooooooo feeling. Some of my favorite songs (at the moment) are White Lies, Tessellate, The Wire, Bloodstream, The Joker, Ways to Go, I Just Wanna Live, and Brandy. This list changes daily though.

Who I’m Nominating:

Like most people, I’m only nominating ten blogs because it’s hard to find people who haven’t been nominated before!”

All of the above have amazing blogs, along with, of course, Rachael! Thank’s again for nominating me 😀




7 thoughts on “The Very Inspiring Blogger Award (Eeeeep!)

  1. Haha – camera angry. 😆 My daughter went through a phase like that when she was 2 – she’d freak out and cry every time I wanted to take her picture.
    Your jobs list reminds me of my daughter too – currently she wants to be a fairy, princess, hobbit, train engineer, mommy (all at the same time).
    Of course rain has a scent! Look at all the laundry and beauty products that are rain scented – not that they actually smell like rain. Anyway, my point is that you can prove the naysayers wrong at the grocery store. 😛
    It’s very cool that you’re writing a book! I’ve never been a good creative writer.


    • Yes, so did I! I use to kick at the camera, my parents got very angry 🙂
      Haha, I’ve never wanted to be a hobbit before–that’s one I haven’t seen before. And yes, at least I have marketing at my side! 😀
      Thank you! Yeah, I’ve always loved creative writing. Hopefully one day I’ll manage to get published! It’s definitely my dream!


  2. Pingback: The Very Inspiring Blogger Award | It's All About Books

  3. Pingback: Nominations & Thanks | It's All About Books

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